Monday Miss Chris and the young gardeners found this cool tomato horn worm - not in our garden but in an adjoining plot. Today the same tomato horn worm was covered with parasitic wasp eggs! Very cool!
Really hot and dry in the garden. Tosh helped Miss Chris set up a sprinkler to water half the garden while we all weeded the other half. Then he re-adjusted the sprinkler and we switched halfs. The students harvested a lot of produce today. Some of what was picked:
Okra from Caitlyn's plot
Tosh - eight ball zuccini and cherry tomatos
Ethan - cherry tomatos
Reilly - onion and banana peppers
Garrett - banana peppers
Today's lesson was about how to store and preserve the produce from the garden. Glenda Kinder, nutrition specialist with the University of Missouri Extension Service, talked to the class about how to preserve their produce. The students loved the frozen grapes Miss Glenda brought, and the frozen bananas on a stick provided by Miss Chris. The donuts Miss Ty brought were enjoyed too!
Reilly made a 'Thank You' poster for Miss Linda, who supplied the gourds the we painted for birdhouses.