Thursday, August 9, 2012

Help Is On Its Way

                                            BREAKING NEWS AT GARDEN N' GROW

We have some very sad was the last Garden N Grow. We are all very sad. But you will still be able to pick stuff from your garden...up until labor day.

Today's lesson was about being scientists. We learned the scientific method. Oh I almost forgot Ms. Linda tought us today.

We found juvenile squash bugs today. Here is a picture taken by one of the staff of Garden N Grow.
juvenile squash bugs

The Garden N Grow kids made thank you cards for the people at Fairview Christian Church,

Well that time has come we will see some of you next year.

This is Mariah H. signing off of Garden N' Grow News.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Trading Traits

Everyone enjoyed the garden party Saturday. Parents and relatives were all impressed with the work the young gardeners have done in the gardens.

Garden Party
Monday's class was "Trading Traits"  Ms Kirsten taught the class how plants can be changed or improved through selection, breeding, mutation and genetic engineering.  The students created their own monster plants out of fruits and vegetables.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

What's it Worth

                                              Now it's time for Garden N Grow News!

We were assaulted by swarms of cucumber beetles when we walked through the garden this morning. We captured many of them with duct tape. Other than that the gardens look awesome!We found thousands (really? thousands?) of tiny squash bug and cucumber beetle eggs on one zucchini plant but don't worry we did our best to remove them.

In other news some deer are eating our beans. Here is a picture of the damage.
Deer salad bar

Todays lesson was called "What's It Worth".  We weighed today's harvest, then we looked through grocery store ads to find prices.  Then we calculated how much our harvest was worth.  Harvest times unit cost = how much we saved by growing our own!  We harvested several dollars worth of produce today.
Checking the store ads

For the craft today we made visors out of craft foam, decorated with stickers and colored markers. Here is Duncan in his visor coming out of the classroom.

Duncan in his visor

Monday, July 30, 2012

Friend Can You Spare a Tomato

Field trip day!  The students were excited about their trip to a food bank at Metro Lutheran Ministry, where they learned about the needs in their community. The volunteers at MLM were happy to receive the several pounds of produce the young gardeners donated.  We learned that MLM does more than just distribute food.  They are currently putting together backpacks of school supplies.

Metro Lutheran Ministry

Here we're working in the gardens this morning.
Everybody working on the garden

We all pitch in to help each other.  Here Marina is helping out in Angelina's garden
Marina working on the garden

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Bountiful Harvest

Yea - rain! We didn't have to water today since the gardens got about 1/2 of an inch of rain last night.  We harvested over 10 pounds of produce, most of it summer squash.  We lost another squash plant to bacterial wilt.  

Angelina found this worm in the garden this morning. We've sent this picture to Ms Chris, our bug expert, to find out what it is.

Today we learned about food storage and preservation. We sampled frozen and fresh fruits and canned pickles and beets.

We're having a 'Garden Party', and we made invitations for our families. Then we painted pictures frames. Maybe we'll frame some of the pictures that have appeared in this blog!

Extra Bug Pics

Ms Chris provided these extra pictures of bugs after the bug lesson.  Very cool!

aphid and lacewing larvae 
Look for the very present Lacewing eggs near the aphids.  just a bit bigger than the aphids are lacewing larva  also called "aphid lions".  Very tiny. 

bug frass

Japanese beetle

lady beetle eggs

lady beetle larvae 

lady beetle pupa

lady beetle

spotted cucumber beetle

Monday, July 23, 2012

What's Up Doc?

The gardens look really good in spite of the heat and drought. The young gardeners and the adult volunteers have been taking good care of them.



Ms. Kirsten taught the class how to identify pest damage.  She brought in several plants with different types of disease and pest damage, and showed the young gardeners what to look for.  Ms Kirsten also brought two bags of ladybugs for the young gardeners to release into their gardens.  The ladybugs flew and crawled all over everyone and the plants!

Bag of Ladybugs

The zinnias we planted are really pretty and colorful.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Good, Bad, Beautiful Bugs

Today's lesson was all about bugs. Ms Chris Veach and the young gardeners inspected the plants and identified lots of bugs, both good and bad.
Ms Chris and gardeners looking for bugs
aphids and lady beetle pupa and larva on squash leaf
We've got lots of ladybugs, which are beneficial.  They are there because of the aphids.  We also found striped and spotted cucumber beetles and some squash bugs, both mature and immature.  We lost another squash plant to bacterial wilt, probably spread by the cucumber beetles.

In spite of the bugs and the heat and drought we harvested several pounds of produce - squash, zucchini and okra.  The young gardeners took some home, and the rest was donated to a local food bank.

Monday, July 16, 2012

It's a Plot

The gardens look really good.  We do have to be diligent about bug patrol.  We found this weird one today - don't know what it is.

We had the biggest produce harvest so far this year; zucchini, squash and okra.

Weighing our zucchini
Sunburst Squash

In today's lesson, Ms Cass taught us how to design a garden plot, making sure to consider spacing, specific needs of each plant, and zones.  We designed our own dream garden plot. Here is Ms.Cass's

Here is the recipe for the waffle gilletts from Duncan's mom.  Everyone loved these!


1 1/2 cups brown sugar
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 sticks butter/margerine
2 Tbs. crisco
6 eggs
4 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1 Tbs. vanilla

Cream shortening, butter, and sugars together. Add eggs, vanilla, and salt. Add flour.
Bake on a waffle iron until brown.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Zoning Out

We found lots of spotted and striped cucumber beetles in the garden today. We also saw ladybugs and pollinator bees. The gardens look really good, considering the hot, dry weather we've had. Here is some of the produce we harvested today.
Megan's 8-ball zucchini
odd shaped okra
Today's lesson was about Cold Hardiness Zones. Mr. Lala Kumar, horticulture specialist, was our guest speaker. Mr. Kumar has lived and worked all over the world. He taught the young gardeners about zones, and what types of plants grow in the different climates.

After the lesson we made bird houses out of gourds. Here is Marina painting her bird house.
Marina's birdhouse

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fruit Or Veggie

Speaking of flowers we had a fun craft today. We made duct tape flowers they turned out amazing. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pistils, Petals and Other Parts

Today Ms. Linda taught us about the different parts of a flower and what they're for. She brought in a fun flower hat and Megan and Duncan tried it on.

Duncan in the flower hat

Megan in the flower hat.

Today we harvested zucchini, okra and squash.

Mariah holding Angelina's 8-ball Zucchini.

Caleb's Zucchini

Josh's Squash

Russell's Okra

Post created by Mariah