We started Thursday weeding and since there hadn't been any rain we gave the garden plots a good watering. We've noticed some crop failure in a couple of the plots - the peppers aren't growing. We also found squash bugs and cucumber beetles. These are organic gardens, so we picked off the bad bugs we found and squished them.
Here is a picture of a cucumber beetle and one of a squash bug.
Miss Chris taught the young gardeners all about weeds. They learned that a weed is a plant growing in the wrong place, and that weeds compete with crops for water, sunshine and nutrients. Weeds also can attract pests and disease. The gardeners identified some common weeds: dandelions, crabgrass, clover, bindweed, common ragweed, and others.
The group divided into teams of two students and one adult, and had a scavenger hunt to identify 10 weeds. Two teams tied for the win with seven weeds identified. The winners got to plant the banner on the lasagna garden. Here are the winners - Anna and Caitlyn, Garrett and Trevor.

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